John Wheeler is a Solution Focused Trainer, Supervisor and Consultant based in the North East of England.
I hope through this site you will be able to find any information you may require on my background, the services I can offer, and the solution focused approach which inspires my work.
If however you need to know more, please don't hesitate to contact me...
Solution Focused Trainers Ltd delivers a Level 3 Certificate in Solution Focused Practice for individuals and to groups of students through corporate or bespoke arrangements and follow up days which lead to practitioner certification with IASTI. The validation of the courses draws on relationships with three external bodies which endorse the Solution Focused content of the training, evidence of learning and relevance to CPD. Courses are available at various dates and locations. Testimonials from past students confirm the rigour of the training, the usefulness of the learning approaches and the difference the training makes in the lives of service users. - See more at: www.solutionfocused.training/training
Visit www.solutionfocused.training for more information and to express an interest through the enquiries facility.
Now Online - Certificate of Competence
Certificate of Competence: A self-coaching tool for optimising professional practice
Drawing on Solution Focused and Narrative ideas, the Certificate of Competence brings together in one document the key people who have influenced the practitioner and the wisdom these influences add to their practice...
Click here to find out more...